Proprioceptive and neuromuscular training to help improve core muscles, and work on stabilizing the knee joint.
PASSIVE STATIC STRETCHING The client allows the trainer to move his or her joints through a full range of motion and increase length of the muscles.
PROPRIOCEPTIVE NEUROMUSCULAR FACILITATION (PNF) A stretching technique utilizing a series of contract-relax cycles for the purpose of stimulating the body’s own nervous system to allow deeper stretches.
We use a contemporary approach emphasizing neutral spine and neutral pelvic alignment. Benefits include core stability, activating and conditioning deep postural muscles and balancing strength with flexibility.
FUNCTIONAL TRAINING Incorporates pushing, pulling, locomotive, level changes and rotational movement patterns all done in sagittal, frontal and transverse planes of motion. Many pieces of equipment such as Swiss balls, medicine balls, bands or tubing, balance pieces, etc. are incorporated into the workout.
CORE STABILIZATION / CORE STRENGTHENING Taking movements that isolate the muscles of the core (abdominal, low back, hip flexors) either in a static position or dynamic position.
The Latest Training Technique to help align the muscles in the body!
AL|GN TM The Perfect Posture Program
After seeing so many clients that are suffering from sitting at a desk all day and highly stressed out from work and not to mention forming bad postural habits with rounded shoulders, head tilted forward, lifted trapezius muscles, distended waist, tight hip flexors and weak lower back.
Dominic has put together a very comprehensive program that helps to align the muscles in the body; lengthen them by creating space, and strengthen them once they are aligned.
Clients are amazed after one session how much better they feel. We have been told the benefits are as if they have had a massage with great posture and toned muscles!
We take very specific exercises geared towards the function of the participant’s sport and incorporate it with agility, stability, speed, quickness, power (plyometrics), change of direction, strength, balance and conditioning. With each sport being different, but sharing some parallel skill sets, we emphasis what is important for the participant’s particular sport.
FREE WEIGHTS, SELECTORIZED MACHINES AND AEROBIC MACHINES Specific programs will be designed to reach each client’s needs and goals using a combination of methods mentioned above. Exercises use both single joint movements and compound movements.
CARDIO-RESISTANCE The most effective way to reap the benefits of both aerobic and anaerobic strength training to achieve maximum results. We will do circuit resistance exercises with (1-2-3-5-10-20 minute) bouts of cardiovascular work.
We believe the primary objective of training young people is to promote lifelong physical activity, which they can continue to follow, to live a long, healthy life. The routine should be fun in which a young person could get a better understanding towards the importance of fitness in their everyday life. Many training methods will be incorporated into their workout sessions.